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Finance Deal Box



Business owners across the transport sector continue to face challenges navigating an ever changing investor & lending landscape, often unaware of the wall of capital that is trying to find quality debt deals to lend to, and uncertain how best to connect to it.

The regulatory environment continues to cut risk appetite from global banks lending portfolios. The largest banks have increased threshold deal sizes and counterpart criteria. Banks continue to be more selective than ever before resulting in more opportunities for Private pools of capital. 


Our Deal Box is a secure privately accessed platform that allows Business Owners to set out their capital raise requirements and for Lenders & Investors to identify deals that match their investment criteria quietly and anonymously. 

Created as an extension to an existing real network of principal finance groups, investors, funds, business owners and intermediaries, our private debt platform connects capital more efficiently and timely to where it is most needed.

Finance Request Form

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Business owners and Intermediaries register and post headline bullet points of their deals onto the Finance Deal Box platform. Headline information include: 

Company Name – Sector - Capital Required - Purpose of Capital Raise – Tenor - Yield Level - Collateral Type 

Business Owners are not initially required to reveal any further information about their requirements until we match and introduce interested parties.

Potential Borrowers are required to identify what they need to borrow, security offered and the yield range they expect.


Blue Ocean Capital will due diligence deals before they are listed on the site for investors to find, confirming that the company has the resources to meet its loan repayments. 


Investors can access the platform via secure login at any time and scroll through posted deals to identify those that match their investment criteria. Once an interesting deal has been identified by the investor, we will provide additional investment information.

At the appropriate stage we will arrange for an introduction to the Borrower and access to the data room etc. 

We will assist in all negotiations between parties though out the due diligence process, right through to term-sheet and closure.

Lenders can access the site for free, borrowers pay a success fee to Blue Ocean Capital based on how much money is raised.


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